In 2021, I had a story in dream journal, Wigleaf.
My Life Is Not a Horror Movie Starring Lupita Nyong'o
I have never clicked my fingers in the car to classic 90's rap, while everyone else talks and jokes in the way people do before the second act, before there's a baseball bat or my husband is wrapped in a bin liner, about to be thrown in a lake.
But I have walked downstairs at 2am to find the front door open.
I have been 7 years old and pinched fleas off my ankles, dunked them underwater just to watch them jump back out.
I have never found myself in a hall of mirrors with plastic bobbles in my hair, staring at my doppelgänger; Wurlitzer music, popcorn and candy floss burning the air.
But I have been 11, and unlocked a door to find no one home.
Turned on the TV to hear voices.
I have not dropped a strawberry ice cream on a beach during a metaphorically significant lightning storm.
I have not murdered rabbits in an underground tunnel, eaten them slimy and raw, while my doppelgänger eats American Fast Food, from a paper bag jumping with clowns.
But I have watched the cats bowl twist white with maggots.
The cat, a shadow in the hedge.
Animal movements I still look for, at my edge.